Sunday, August 22, 2010

ah what a relaxing weekend

I had the most relaxing weekend in the longest time! I've been out and about for the last month or so going to my parents house, spending time with them, and helping them with the move. With working all well, and then spending my weekends there, I haven't really had time to decompress and rest...which I ended up doing this weekend and I have to was glorious. Friday, I rented two movies, watched one, and then went to bed with a book. Saturday, I told myself I had stuff to do. One was to clean my entire apartment. The other was to watch the second movie, the last was to run. First, I decided to watch the movie, because who likes to start off a Saturday working? So I spent a lazy Saturday morning watching a movie and putzing around my apartment.

Around 1pm I decided it was time to start cleaning...starting in my bedroom (where piles of clean clothes were taking over), rolling into my living room (where piles of clothes and dishes and bags and EVERYTHING were lurking), over into my dining room/kitchen (which had the kitty litter box, and the sink full of 3 week old dishes...ew), over into the entry way/bathroom (which was piled with stuff brought home from my parents). I told myself I had until 7pm to do all that stuff because that is when I was going running. Welp, 7 hours later, I had everything done. EVERYTHING. I even rearranged my room :) There's still little stuff I have to go through, but my apartment is clean...gloriously, wonderfully, clean. And can I just say that 1) I love my's so awesome in so many ways and 2) I love living alone! It's amazing and I don't think I will give it up willingly for anyone except if I get married...seriously.

At 7 I headed out the door to return my redbox rentals and run around the track. I've decided that I'm going to start doing 3 miles from now on with my running. I run 3 laps, walk 1 lap, and repeat 2 more times. That way I do a complete 5k. It was rough...I got tired and my legs got stiff and my breathing sometimes got jagged, but I did it. I knew I could because I did it two or three weeks ago when I was supposed to do 3run 2walk, 3run haha. And I clocked in at a 37.5 minute 5k...which averages to a 12.5 min mile...which, with walking added in is pretty good I must say :) Anyway, I'm hoping to be around a 35 minute mile by the time of the race. We'll see what happens I guess.  After that, I cooked some incredibly yummy fajitas, Alisha came and bought my old TV, and then I sat down, enjoyed dinner, read my book, and then went to bed.

Today, I really wanted to go to Greenlake and walk with fellow Seattle sparkers...but I ended up waking up at 6 watching a show, eating breakfast, and then falling back asleep until 1ish. So, no walk, but I def wanna do that next time they get together. I met up with a friend for the last of the Tutta Bella special, then I caught the bus and went to church...which...felt great. I love my church, and I love that Richard challenges me to think about things that I don't normally dwell on and consider...Anyway, now I'm home, and although I thought maybe I would skip out on doing JM 30 day shred, I think I'm just gonna do it. Because I'm actually shockingly starting to enjoy it's a good habit. Then I'm going to plan my meals for the rest of the week, make tuna, and then settle in my comfy bed with Eat, Pray, Love. This was exactly the weekend I needed. Thank you Jesus!