Saturday, October 10, 2009

Signs of movement

Today I closed the two accounts that were connected to my bank account. It might not be the best solution credit wise, but it's the best solution for me. It will force me to stick to a budget. I also downsized my cable to limited cable. It's $50 less than regular cable and makes more sense for me. I tried and, but I realized my issue is not accurate money management, it's self control. It's saying "no" to what I want and yes to what I need. That's a hard lesson to learn. Especially growing up and being indoctrinated with the consumerist religion :)

So, those are my first steps. I'm also working on my budget. I'm excited for actual change. I'm glad that I'm learning how to be disciplined. It's going to be hard--especially considering that I have some backpayments that are due that I need to figure out :/ But it will has to be.

Day 1, ok this is getting a bit long

One more continuation. This is going to define my goals for other miscellaneous areas of my life.

1) I'm going to try to continue game nights on a regular basis. I want to meet new people, and create community. I want to be salt and light. I want to be love and fun and all that cool stuff.

2) I'm going to continue to be involved in church, and I'm going to join a small group. Having a church community is really important to me. I can't put into words how much I miss being surrounded by people with the same values as me, speaking into my life. I'm not unsure of where I'm supposed to be. I know.

3) I'm going to get rid of cable, and try to make a habit of reading more. I want to actively learn. I had a dream that I went back to school (Northwest UGH) and I was not too keen on the dorms, but I was excited about class. I was very torn in my dream between the prospects of living in a dorm and higher learning. That says a lot considering my roommate was racist in my dream haha. I have a desire to open my mind and learn. I want to be well informed on current events. I want to have a solid idea of what I believe when it comes to politics (I am when it comes to religion and we know how those 'go together' ;) ) I also just want to remind myself that reading for fun is, well, fun. I loved it when I was younger.

4) I want to take a class or two. I'm not sure what type of class, but I want to take a step in furthering my education in ways that make me happy. I'm not sure if a master's degree is in my future, but I do know education is for me.

5) I want to be consistent with my volunteering. My first day of volunteering with Solid Ground is this Monday. I want to help in tangible ways. Whether I'm on the front lines or helping administratively. I want to make a difference and help in one way or the other.

6) I want to be a better apartment manager, and to keep a better planner/organizer. Those two kind of go hand in hand. I guess I need to be less lazy and actually do the job I get paid for. I want to keep the apartments clean. I want to turn things in on time. I want to create a good community here. My attitude is slowly changing ;)

Day 1, Eh, more decisions

This is a continuation of my previous blog. What other things do I need to change to live a fuller life? My poor stewardship of money. Yes, I said it. I have so many great ideas about money, and fantastic advice to give others, but when it comes to sticking to my goals with money, I fall short. I want to be in control of money, not let it control me. I want to be free of debt. So, here are a couple of steps that I'm going to take:

1) I'm going to continue the good things that I'm doing. I'm going to continue to give money to World Vision. I'm going to continue to automatically withdraw money from check to go to my 401k, and I'm going to continue to automatically withdraw money from my account to my savings account. Good job.

2) I'm going to start tithing (again). I did this about a month or two ago, and suddenly money and provisions became a lot easier. Submit it God, and he will take care of the rest. So, that's a no-brainer.

3) I'm going to call every place that I have a credit card and ask for a lower rate. I'm also going to ask about the pros and cons of closing my accounts. I'm going to for sure close 2 of them. Maybe all of them. I think USAA is going to work with me the best. I worry about AmEx and Macy's, but we'll see what happens.

4) I'm going to look at my budget and see what can stay and what can go. For example, my cable. It sucks my resources and makes me lazy. Another good reason to get rid of it. I'm also going to look at and see if that's a better way to manage my money.

5) In all things I'm going to be realistic. I don't want to set myself up to fail, so I really need to look at how much I spend, my lifestyle, and what I can realistically get rid of and cut back on.

Day 1. Decisions Decisions...

So, today is the first official day of my new life. My life that will not necessarily be devoid of fear, but it will be full despite fear. I've been wondering what I need to change to encourage myself to live a fuller life. There are certain things that are holding me back. First, there's my health, and my general unhappiness about my body and my non-active lifestyle.

Day by day I've just been feeling chunkier and unattractive. I look great in clothes, and I have a great shape, but I'm overweight. Very overweight. I've been big all of my life, and I'm making the decision that I don't want to be obese any longer. So what steps to take?

1) I'm going to make it a goal to cook at my apartment 3 days a week. That allows for leftovers for lunch and dinner, as well as a day during the week that I can eat out. I may do 2 days. One lunch, one dinner maybe? Or just two days to eat out. That way I can still have lunch with Adam, and I can eat out on the weekends with friends.

2) I'm going to cut down on my sugar intake. I've found out that my excessive and mindless consumption of sugar has been causing me to have yeast infections. Yes, I know, that's gross and probably too much information...but it's a consequence. And I don't want to have to deal with that gross and uncomfortable problem. Frequent yeast infections are also a symptom of diabetes. And I for sure don't want to be diabetic. So I'm making a move now.

3) I'm going to cut down on the diet drinks and up my consumption of water. This is hard because I'm not a big drinker. I'll have to force myself to drink. But I've done it before. I just need to be focused and consistent.

4) I'm going to start exercising. The thing that I know works for me is DDR. I was doing DDR when I lost weight before, and it totally worked. I think (ok I know) I'm a bit lazy. I don't like to have to get dressed, look decent, and then go out and walk the same walk every day. I like to work out in my shorts with my hair looking crazy. I also like a larger impact in a shorter amount of time, as well as knowing how much I'm doing. DDR does that. It counts the calories you're burning, shows the progress that you're making. I think I'm also going to break out the Zumba that I purchased. Maybe I'll learn a new skill!

5)I'm going to get rid of my cable. Getting rid of cable is something that will help me in many parts of my life; this is just one of them. TV sucks my time away from me. It literally keeps me glued to the couch mindlessly. Now, when you think of a healthy lifestyle, this just isn't one that lends itself to one. I'm not getting rid of my TV, I'm getting rid of those extra channels that I just don't need. Those channels that call to me and say "watch the drama, craziness, and intrigue." I lived without cable for two years and I was much. happier.

6) I'm going to look into Weight Watchers. I think having a support group is important and worth it. Eventually, I may even look into a gym. Weight Watchers first though ;)

So that's the first change that I'm going to make, with steps to take in making them. Stay tuned for the next blog about...dun dun!

Friday, October 9, 2009

More quotes...

I continually have to convince myself not to be afraid. To not fear what may happen, or what someone may think. To not fear failure. I am afraid that everything that I want is impossible for me. That...has no place in my life. I have included some quotes below that have inspired me to overcome my fear. It's interesting that a lot of them are written by women...

La crainte n'est pas dans l'amour (There is no fear in love) Le Bible ;)

Don't be afraid to go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is. H. Jackson Browne

Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom. Marilyn Ferguson

Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we often might win, by fearing to attempt. Jane Addams

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt

There is nothing to fear except the persistent refusal to find out the truth, the persistent refusal to analyze the causes of happenings. Dorothy Thompson

The Day of Decision

So, this is the day of decision. This is the day that I decide that I'm going to change my life. I want to say that I'm going to be perfect, and that every goal I set will be met with success...the first time...but I know I won't. But I'm not going to let the fear of failure ruin my chances of having a full life. Today is the day that I decide to try. Today is the day that I step out and decide to live. I was trying to find a quote about fear, and overcoming fear, and how important it is, and I found a quote, which is so perfect, and it will be the "tagline" (hopefully if I can figure this durn thing out) of my blog.

I'm not sure where this journey will take me. I was trying to decide if this will be a healthy lifestyle and exercise blog, or if it will just be an everything blog...I'm not sure. I just know I want to be different. I want to be well informed. I want to find joy in many things. I don't want media and what other people say dictate my life and form my opinions. I don't want to settle for mediocre and "just fine" because it's easy. I don't want to melt into the background, afraid to leave my mark. I wasn't made to be mediocre. I was made to be extraordinary. I was made to lead. And finally, I think...I know...I'm going to take hold of my life.

What I think this ultimately means for me, is that I'm going to let go of my life. It means that I am going to believe in love, and not fear. It means that I'm going to dive in, and when my arms get weary and my legs feel like lead, I will know that there is someone else who will move my arms, and help me tread. It also means, that I'm going to choose life over fear. Those days that I think I want to give up. Those days that I will feel weak and afraid. Those days where it just seems too hard. It's in those days, that I hope I will remember this quote:

"Only when we are no longer afraid, do we begin to live." Dorothy Thompson

I want to live. I want to live to the fullest. I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd. Today.

This. is the Day of Decision.