Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 1. Decisions Decisions...

So, today is the first official day of my new life. My life that will not necessarily be devoid of fear, but it will be full despite fear. I've been wondering what I need to change to encourage myself to live a fuller life. There are certain things that are holding me back. First, there's my health, and my general unhappiness about my body and my non-active lifestyle.

Day by day I've just been feeling chunkier and unattractive. I look great in clothes, and I have a great shape, but I'm overweight. Very overweight. I've been big all of my life, and I'm making the decision that I don't want to be obese any longer. So what steps to take?

1) I'm going to make it a goal to cook at my apartment 3 days a week. That allows for leftovers for lunch and dinner, as well as a day during the week that I can eat out. I may do 2 days. One lunch, one dinner maybe? Or just two days to eat out. That way I can still have lunch with Adam, and I can eat out on the weekends with friends.

2) I'm going to cut down on my sugar intake. I've found out that my excessive and mindless consumption of sugar has been causing me to have yeast infections. Yes, I know, that's gross and probably too much information...but it's a consequence. And I don't want to have to deal with that gross and uncomfortable problem. Frequent yeast infections are also a symptom of diabetes. And I for sure don't want to be diabetic. So I'm making a move now.

3) I'm going to cut down on the diet drinks and up my consumption of water. This is hard because I'm not a big drinker. I'll have to force myself to drink. But I've done it before. I just need to be focused and consistent.

4) I'm going to start exercising. The thing that I know works for me is DDR. I was doing DDR when I lost weight before, and it totally worked. I think (ok I know) I'm a bit lazy. I don't like to have to get dressed, look decent, and then go out and walk the same walk every day. I like to work out in my shorts with my hair looking crazy. I also like a larger impact in a shorter amount of time, as well as knowing how much I'm doing. DDR does that. It counts the calories you're burning, shows the progress that you're making. I think I'm also going to break out the Zumba that I purchased. Maybe I'll learn a new skill!

5)I'm going to get rid of my cable. Getting rid of cable is something that will help me in many parts of my life; this is just one of them. TV sucks my time away from me. It literally keeps me glued to the couch mindlessly. Now, when you think of a healthy lifestyle, this just isn't one that lends itself to one. I'm not getting rid of my TV, I'm getting rid of those extra channels that I just don't need. Those channels that call to me and say "watch the drama, craziness, and intrigue." I lived without cable for two years and I was much. happier.

6) I'm going to look into Weight Watchers. I think having a support group is important and worth it. Eventually, I may even look into a gym. Weight Watchers first though ;)

So that's the first change that I'm going to make, with steps to take in making them. Stay tuned for the next blog about...dun dun!

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