Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Have you missed me? I've been cheating on this blog with another one theabsurdextent but I'm back. I realized that this is where I started with my weight loss journey, and I'm going to continue here. Other general life stuff will be logged on the other one :)

So I'm restarting the 100 Days of Weight Loss book, and I was going to do a strict 100 days of reading and writing. Then I realized, that that's not for me. The whole point of this journey is not adhering to strict rules and deadlines, but finding what works for you, and realizing that there are going to be hiccups--and you just gotta get back on the horse again. I gave myself an end date, but really, there is not end date. The day that I finish the book will be my end date--and I'll celebrate those 100 days that I was (and will continue to be) committed to healthy living.

And of course Day 4 would be talking about boundaries, not diets. The author talks about how we need to look at our journey as a road. "During times when you're strong and focused on your diet, you move the boundaries closer together, making the road narrower. When you take a break from your program or work on maintenance, you widen the boundaries and allow more variety in your plan. But even on a really bad day, you never eliminate the road or get off of it completely." pg 9.  The whole "stick to it or else" plan never really works for me. I need to be nicer to myself and allow myself to have wider boundaries and also to discipline myself with narrower boundaries as well. I think the biggest thing for me to remember is not to let go of boundaries completely. When I say "forget it" it means that I'm offroad, stuck, not moving ahead. And that is not good.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matt 6:33  Very famous verse in the Bible talking about how God will take care of your basic needs if we seek the kingdom. What is the kingdom? The kingdom is all about peace. It's about the end of war, tears, poverty, homelessness, crime. It's about love, and sharing, and forgiveness and reconciliation. It's about those life changing things that really make a difference in people's lives. It's about hope. Instead of worry about what I'm going to wear tomorrow, I should be seeking to bring about the goodness of the kingdom to the people around me. How am I sowing love, forgiveness, and reconciliation into people's lives? Am I trying to put a stop to violence, homelessness, and hunger? Basic questions to ask myself...and to act on.