Monday, January 11, 2010

dun dun dun!

I wrote a very open and honest email to my bff last night and I went to bed thinking "I think it'll be ok." I woke up slightly in a panic thinking "WTF did I do?!?" But it quickly subsided because I knew in my heart that my bff would respond well to the letter. And that she'd accept me and all that jazz. And guess what. She did :) That, my friends, is true love and trust. Usually that feeling of panic sticks around a bit longer when I'm worried about something, but because I knew in my heart that she cared for me, it subsided pretty quickly. There truly is no fear in love. I'm pretty happy that I listened to God and trusted his instinct. Haha if it had been my instinct it would have been "run, hide, ah!"

So I couldn't wait to weight myself after last night. My starting weight was 246.6 (if you want to be exact hmph). My weight after one week....drumroll....239.4!!! That's 7.2 lbs!! I'm waaaaaaaaay stoked. I did a little dance in my bathroom. That's about 2.9% of my weight. Way to go me. Ok, I need to do my daily reading,exercise, and then check to see if we have paint for the painters. I'm nervous that we've run out. Ugh. Sometimes I am such a slacker manager!

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