Saturday, January 23, 2010

Retrain Eating Habits

So today went over the whole "never clean your plate" thing and how some people have a really hard time with it. As I think about it, I think I need to remember to focus on eating slower. A lot of times, I'll pack stuff that I intend on eating all of. Especially these days. However, I remember at my parents or at other ppls houses that I'm just piled food on my plate, and ate it quickly. I don't really have a guilt complex about leaving food on my plate cause I usually don't haha.

So I need to learn how to eat slower and of course, when it comes to unhealthy foods, either have my own food or be smart about portion sizes. I liked the point she made about restaurant foods and leftovers. That's really hard for me to waste food at a restaurant especially if I really enjoyed it. I usually take it home and eat it the next day. Economical right? Well she pointed out that if you have a high calorie meal, that's TWO high calorie meals you'll be eating instead of just one nice little "cheat." So either order a healthy choice or...don't take home leftovers. We'll see how this goes...

Ugh, so, I've been like "ah I have to rush because I need to be at work by nine. Then I realized I have an HOUR AND A HALF before I need to go. I mixed up with time and think that instead I have a half an hour before I leave. So I guess I can stop rushing around...

Romans 6 expounds on how we are dead to sin but alive in Christ. It gives the example of us literally being baptized in Christ's death, and be raised to life as he was and now we have a new life. It's a great image. It says "do not let sin reign" in your body. I guess I never imagined sin as having lordship. Like it having power and control over me. Well, I guess I knew those words, but when I see "reign" I realize how serious it is. I realize that it's a big deal. In the previous chapter it said that we have received God's grace and righteousness and they are supposed to reign in our life. Two things can't have power and control at the same time.

"When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Thos things result in death! But now that you have been set free from sin and that you have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." vs. 20-23

Before I balked at the fact of being a slave to anything. I resisted that thought because I don't like to be told what to do or controlled. Then I realized that we are either a slave to sin or a slave to Christ. There really is no other choice. We're slaves either way, and sin's "payment" is death, God's "gift" is life. I mean, that's literally how it's said. What we earn from sin is death, what we freely receive from God is life. So who is the better master? Who is the one I'd rather be a slave to? God.

I can think of plenty of things that I've done, that I look back and I'm like "ugh, I wish I could take that back" or "I wish I did not make that memory." At the time it was all good and fun...but you know what my wages are today from it? Regret. Not awesome. On the flip side, everytime I think of things that I've decided to do because I felt like God was asking me to, I think of how well they turned out. When I think of times that I've let God have control, I remember that his plan has ALWAYS been better than mine. The choices that I've made with him and because of him, have NEVER turned into regret. In fact, they've always turned into examples of his faithfulness and his goodness.

You know, I read this chapter and didn't think I was going to write much. I really felt like God was push those last verses that I quoted, because to be honest there was some shame and regret I felt from certain things that I have done. But it's great how he reminds me that there are plenty of decisions that I've let him make. And how I can compare the two side to side and see that they really don't compare in any way, shape, or form. It really is as simple as death, or life? I'm choosing the free gift of life. God is good.

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