Tuesday, January 26, 2010

some goals

So, I was thinking as I was walking home today, how working with the kids is really causing me to not eat enough calories. Well, it's not just them, but I think it helps my whole not eating calories thing. I need to make sure I pack good snacks *fruits and veggies to munch on. And eat regularly. Also, I need to make sure I'm intaking my water regularly.

So, I've decided to devise a schedule.

Before I start my daily blogging, I need to fill up my water bottle and start drinking.

Before 9:30, I need to have eaten and finished working out.

9:30-10:30, I need to have finished my first water bottle, and be showered and ready to go.

10:45 Head out to work with my lunch packed.

By 1:00 I need to have my 2nd water bottle done with. Make sure I eat a sensible lunch.

I need to eat a snack at 2:00 to keep my energy going. I then need to eat snack and make sure my 3rd water bottle is done with by the end of homework time 5:00.

I need to drink my 3rd water bottle at least an hour before I go to bed so I don't get up after I get warm and toasty.

Hopefully that'll help me to be more consistent with my eating habits and also with my water. And with the timing of the snacks, I'll be eating with the kids so they won't be jealous :)

Ok, I hope I can throw my laundry in soon so I can go to bed :)

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