Ok, so I have to admit a couple of things. One, I did terribly yesterday with the "eating because it's there thing." I stupidly fed the K-1st graders candy (sigh, that won't ever happen again) and then the smell of it was just so enticing that I went back twice and had some. Now, I did look at the serving sizes and things like that, but I thought I was over my "mmmmmm candy phase." Not so. I'm over my "must eat candy all the time phase" but I still need to be vigilant about taking a serving, if I decide I really really want it, then putting it away. And in reality, I don't really need it so I just need to make sure it's not all sitting out in my office.
Also, I haven't been eating regularly..I've definitely been skipping meals. This new job gives me no time to track...and I should do it at the end of the the day but now that I have 3 days to catch up on it, I'm like "meh." I'm still tracking...a bit...in my head, but I need to get back on track with doing it on the computer. I also need to eat like I'm supposed to. I don't want my body to get used to "starving" and then hold onto the weight instead of letting it go. No thank you!
So those are things that I've been noticing--as well as the slacking at getting proper water intake. So now that I've noticed, I'm going to veer back into my lane :)
"Once you start eating snack foods, it can be really hard to stop." This is very true. When I had game night and was just starting out on this journey, everyone brought snacks and I ended up snacking on tons of food instead of eating dinner...and the calories racked up. Thankfully, the only other consistent meeting that I have where snacks are available is small group. I serve fruits and veggies, Martha & Steve have served fruits (yummy!) and Angela served very delicious chocolate chip bars (but I was able to eat just one and be happy). So, that's made it easier for me to not snack. I've also been diligent in bringing my own snacks and having them out at work (when I FIND time to snack geez).
Anyway, the book says instead of jumping into the snacks at that moment, to instead postpone eating until the last minute. Like, right before the party, or dinner ends or whatever. That way, you will have about 5 minutes to eat the snack and not be tempted to eat more instead of the whole party or dinner. Oh, and they said the snacks are generally engineered to have great flavor and texture so it causes you to want more. So you have your own willpower to contend with plus those tricky food engineers who are trying to make you fat! haha. So yea, that's reason for waiting. I've found that I have a pretty strong willpower (most of the time) and if I keep up with the habits taught me, I don't tend to fall off the wagon. It's only when I'm not feeding myself regularly and keep tempting foods like candy lying around in sight that I tend to...slip a bit :D Anyway, I like this because it doesn't say you can't have snacky foods, but instead of eating that chips and salsa that comes out before you meal, to instead wait for your meal, take a couple of chips and some salsa, and eat it then. Good advice.
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4
Meghan said to me "you shouldn't be all dressed up, you should be wearing Club shirts" and it got me really sad because I like looking nice at work. I like that people notice me because I'm stylish, and because I always have cute accessories. I like the attention that I get for those things and when people acknowledge that I look good. I like that. I think most people do. I also am able to work well in what I wear. I don't wear ridiculous heels to work or anything like that. I can work with kids in the clothes that I wear without anything holding me back.
I was thinking as I was walking to small group that that's a trademark of mine. That that's apart of what makes me me is my stylish, inexpensive...style. However, I don't want to rest all of my laurels on that. I don't want to be remembered for just that. In fact, I want that to be an afterthought in people's minds. What I want them to remember or think about with me is the fact that I love people unfailingly, that I'm full of grace and mercy, that I'm fair, that I love to laugh and have fun, that I love the kids and my job, that I'm kind and compassionate...etc. I don't want a man to only recognize me and appreciate me for my looks or my body because that is not what is going to last and stay the same and "get even better" as I get older. No sir, my body will slowly get wrinkly and saggy and all sorts of things. I want a man to appreciate me for my character and who I am inside.
This verse puts exactly what I desire into words. I like when people compliment me on my clothes, and my hair and my accessories, I love it even more when they speak to the faithfulness and goodness of my character. It reinforces that God is good and that he is doing good works in me and is changing who I am slowly but surely. He has shaped it and molded it and is going to do (hopefully if I let him) wonderful things with it. I'm excited :)
"'Do mot fear what they fear, do not be frightened.' But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ my be ashamed of their slander." vs. 14-16
Of course I love the first part of this verse. I always had issues with the second part...because it involved memorizing verses and "the abcs of christianity" and all these formulas and stuff. When, in reality, I have needed none of those things when giving an answer for the hope that I have. It's been for me, just saying who I believe Jesus is and why he came here. What I believe he taught and how it's completely other than what many people say he's about. It's mainly just been about living out my life, and when people find out I'm a Christian or have questions, to answer honestly, humbly, and lovingly. There is not formula or abcs. It's just me being me and talking about who Christ is to me. God is good. It's not hard for me to brag about his goodness to others ;)
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