Monday, March 15, 2010

Motivation is a choice

I'm baaaaaaaaack. I woke up this morning feeling a little apprehensive. I'm somewhat nervous about getting back in the groove of work, but I have to do it. It's a good thing. I also am hosting group this Wednesday, so I have to get my house picked up and in good order. My mom helped me clean and vacuum the main apartments, and also cleaned my dishes when she was here--which was a big stress reliever. She is so good to me. So, I can focus on putting away and hanging up all of my clothes--which is a huge task--cleaning my bathroom, and picking up my living room. It's not at all daunting now that I look at what little I have to do--just have to motivate myself to do it :)

Speaking of motivation, that's what the chapter is about today, which, I feel is timely and right. The book says motivation: "provides the power behind all of your actions and helps you follow through with good intentions." It talks about how sometimes, it's easy to stay on track, get things, done, exercise, and meet our goals--motivation is just there. And then some days, our motivation just goes out the window. We don't seem to know why, it's just not there and you don't know how to summon it up.

"Motivation is a choice. You create it yourself through your thoughts, your self talk, and your attitude. Even when you don't have a shred of energy, you can access your motivation if you want to." This is a really good point, and I think it's great for me to hear. Motivation doesn't come out of thin air, it comes from within us. I am the only person who can get myself of the couch, out of my bed, and doing the things that I need to do. With this recent bout of being sick and panicky, I realized that if I didn't make myself get out of bed and try to be normal, I never would. I had to motivate myself and get myself going or I was just going to stay in the same spot. Which, would have been terrible for me.

The book says to help create motivation, you need to think up new ways to inspire it. If you want to cook your own meals, you can make a list of everything you need to do to accomplish that task: look up recipes, go to the grocery store, put out the things you need for the first meal, chop up your veggies....etc. Once you have your list, you just begin to do the things on it. I know it feels good for me to make lists and then check things off so...this is a good thought for me. In fact, when I started this little adventure, this was my list: Wake up, cruise the internet for awhile, read the book, read my bible, blog, exercise, eat breakfast, shower, make lunch, walk to work. It was pretty simple. And on some days I missed a step (eating breakfast was the main one), but I mostly kept to the list and that felt...good. Really good.

Anyway, today, I'm starting back with the lists. I should start doing this at work too now that I think about it. :)

"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one....We hear the some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and ear the bread they eat. And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right...Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you." 2 Thess 2:3,11-13,16

I like the first verse. It just makes me feel safe and good, and...not vulnerable. God is so faithful to me, and it's good to remember and take hold of that. I was very interested in Paul's emphasis in this chapter on not eating what you have not earned, and doing your fair share of work, not being a burden on others, and not being lazy. I realized these past couple of weeks that I have been very lazy when it comes to being at my parents house. I leave dishes, I loaf around, and I really just expected them to cater to my needs or my friends needs. Not intentionally--and I was always (in my head or with my words) thankful for them, and the fact that they love having me and my friends over.

I think after having my mom over when I was sick, and her helping me clean and do my dirty work, and how that took so much stress off of me, I realized (guiltily) that I never did that willingly at my parents house. I just expected them to do it--it's their house right? What a terrible and ungrateful attitude I had! This past week I've done everything I can to help my mom, pick up after myself, and just show how thankful I am to have her. She was...shocked. Which makes me feel good, but also sad that I didn't realize this earlier. It was such a blessing to her, and it didn't even take that much effort on my part. I am so thankful for my family and consider myself very lucky--I need to SHOW that more often.

Wow I got off on a bit of a tangent haha. Anyway, I think Paul is indicating that when we're lazy, we become busybodies--up in other people's business and basically being involved in things we shouldn't be involved in. We all need to do our fair share. I like that emphasis. I like how he says "never tire of doing right." Sometimes it's hard, but it's so worth it :)

Lastly, I just love that it ended with pointing out that God is the Lord of peace and asking that he give his peace to all of the people. I love that God brings peace and comfort, and it has been a centerpiece to me getting better and recovering. God has brought me peace in my most difficult times, and I am very thankful for that :)

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