Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Emotional Safety & The Healing Power of Rituals

When I was sick I read the chapter on emotional safety, and how you should find a safe place where you can relax and create your "ahhhhhhhhh" space. It can have your favorite pictures, music, chair, etc., but it's designed to keep you sane.  Today, the book talked about rituals and how rituals keep you grounded and lend to that idea of emotional safety.  What rituals do I have?

When I get to work, I generally go into Adam's office and sit and chat and hang out with him a bit. Then I meander out to the desk area and talk with Jen and August and Meghan if she's there, and then I go upstairs, get my computer turned on, and start check emails.  On summer days like this, I generally will sit and chat with Jen for a couple of minutes, go upstairs and check my email, and then fill my water bottle up and meet up with Kevin to see what's going on for the day.

At home? In the mornings I wake up, read my "daily motivator" and Bible, blog about both, and then on DDR days I exercise. I then shower, get ready, pack my lunch, and walk to work.  On running days I make sure I pack all my running gear and then go out to run right after work. When I get home, I sit down on my couch and check my email, facebook, and various blogs. I usually will play a couple of games while I turn on DH (or some other show in the background), and then I'll cook dinner, get stuff done around my apartment, or chill.  Then I try to get to bed and read so that I can get up at an appropriate time :) 

I like my rituals, especially my morning/exercise rituals. They make me feel successful, and well rounded. I think I might start incorporating ice tea/regular tea into my ritual. I really enjoyed drinking tea at my parent's house, and it's just a nice, yummy, and has few calories. Mmm...I do like the honey vanilla chamomile with some creamer in it though.  Anyway, my rituals do make me feel happy and safe. These past couple of days that I have been sick have completely thrown me off and I've been...blah. So here's to my healthy rituals! 

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love....Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen...Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you." Eph 4:2,29,31-32

The first verse is for me and dealing with the kiddos. Sometimes, this little guys grate on my nerves, and my patience is worn down...super thin. I need to remember to ask for patience, and to bear with them in love.  They're precious little things, even the nasty little 3rd grade boys :)  The second part--phew! Has been a pet peeve of mine concerning a certain person for the past couple of months...but I need to make sure in my bitterness about it that I'm not being unwholesome and tearing her down with my words. And, I need to make sure that I am kind and compassionate to all people...remembering that we are...people...messed up, insecure, and far from perfect. And that my bitterness towards the way I or others are mistreated should be turned into compassion, love, and kindness for everyone..including that person :) And why? Because God is good, and he has done these things for me...the worst of the worst. If I complain about it, I've probably done it. So I should remember to have grace, abounding and overflowing. Okie dokie, time to pack my lunch.

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