Sunday, August 29, 2010

life is good

I'm so excited to be done with our summer session. I went shopping yesterday and realized that I will finally get to wear all the cute clothing that I have accumulated over the past couple of months. I went shopping yesterday and spent a pretty penny. I might return some stuff, but it's so nice being able to shop in the regular ladies section and not the women's section. My size varies from XL to L to M, but I'm pretty much solidly in a large, and I feel amazing. I'm reaching goals left and right and making decisions for me...and it's nice...really nice.

I was talking with a friend the other day about how happy I am. My life is full, and it's full of things that I enjoy and that keeps me in contact with different kinds of people, doing different types of things. And it's also full of me. I'm able to do stuff for me, because I want to do it. It's not centered around pleasing other people, and worrying about what they want, it's about living my life and living it for moi. She said "Sometimes I envy you single people because you don't have to worry about someone else and their needs." And it's very true. I told her that there's a trade off with that...I'm single, and can live for me...she's coupled, and has to worry about her S.O...but I'm sure she wouldn't give up her S.O. to be single...if if she did...then maybe her S.O. isn't right for her. 

I'm holding onto that idea more and more that one (single vs. coupled) is not better than the other. There are pros and cons to both, but it really is about enjoying whatever stage you're at. And I know that sounds all syrupy and...I don't I'm just quoting a line, but honestly, truly, and completely, I'm loving being single. I'm loving living for me, and while there will always be room for someone else like a husband and family, right now, I'm enjoying just being a mommy to a very easy to care for kitty :)

Today, I'm going to do some cleaning, try on some clothes from my closet, go shopping, get a TWO HOUR massage, shop a little more, go to church, then come home to a clean, apartment that is all my own. I finished another book that I had been reading this morning, and woke up with the leisure of not having to hear or deal with anyone other than my little keekers meowing and wanting a little love. This, is the life. I'm content. And not only content, I'm making progress is all sorts of ways. Life is good...God is good.

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