Tuesday, January 12, 2010

counting my chickens and the year of me

So, I've decided that this year is going to be the year of taking care of me. I decided this after I signed up for a year of massage, and then felt guilty for spending 60 bucks a month on myself haha. But as I began to think about it, I realized that this is a very important year for me--as far as the steps that I've chosen to take. I'm starting new endeavors--I'm volunteering at new places, and I'm starting a new job. I'm expanding my horizons--I'm becoming involved in a new small group, and really trying to get this game night thing going regularly. I'm trying to lose weight. I want to be healthier, thinner, and happier with my body overall. I'm trying to get enough sleep--I've discovered that sleep is my secret weapon. Being focused on getting enough sleep has kept my on this diet and exercise plan. It literally is "a" if not "the" difference.

I'm starting so many new things and as I think about these things, I sincerely want to do and be at my best. I want to make a difference, I want to make new friends, find new joys, and spend some time making my personal life a little better. This means, that I do need to spend some time focusing on me. I've come to terms with this fact, and I don't feel any guilt about it. Before I can love someone else, really and truly, I need to learn how to love the person I'm closest to...which is myself. So here's to the year of me. I pray that's it's prosperous, fulfilling, and full of joy and new experiences.

As far as counting my chickens before they hatched, I probably should have waited to sign up for the massage until I had gotten the word of when exactly my promotion would happen. I'm going to have to have a tight pay period on the 15th cause $60 unbudgeted dollars is coming out of my pre-raise paycheck. Sigh.

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