Saturday, January 16, 2010

Don't Stop Now

So I was going to write that I'm feeling like I don't want to exercise, and after my yummy, but calorie filled dinner (ok,maybe not that bad, but bad enough), that I just wanted to take a break. However, I got to the next section of the book and you know what it says?

"You've come this far in your 100 days...don't stop now. If you're struggling to stick with it, push to finish one more day. You'll immediately be one day closer to achieving your weight loss goals."

And you know what? It's true. The fact that I even picked up the book to do my "devotional" time is proof enough that I want it, I just have to stick with it. I'm definitely past the euphoria stage of this new relationship with me and a healthy lifestyle. Now, I need to stick with it. It's rough now, but every day will lead to a better day, until one day, I realize that "today is the best day of my life." And I'll continue to have those days. Ok. I can do this. Now on to my daily motivator :)

Day 11: Two Purposes of Food

Today the book talked about how there are two reasons to eat: to fuel your body and appreciate flavors. If you're not eating for one of those two reasons, then you're emotionally eating. Basically, we need to fuel our body at regular intervals during the day. The book said every 3-4 hours which actually is how my body tends to get hungry. Now, it's working that into my work schedule as far as when I can eat while on the job. Right now, at the desk, I can pretty much munch when I need to. It'll definitely be different when working with kids. I'll have to plan more portable foods...which might be good because it'll up my intake of fruits and veggies and the like.

I'm going to play some games with friends today, and we usually drink and eat pizza and chips. I'm going to make an effort to first, eat beforehand, and then bring my own dinner and snacks. I really want to make an effort to make wise choices, and that means being smart and planning ahead. I'll bring some wine (perhaps I'll open it if I get the desire), but I'll bring my water bottle and crystal light and work on that. Not drinking will probably help me with the games too ;) Ok, I feel encouraged and excited to get exercising today and get with the program. I've done this for ten whole days! I'm doing well. And I will accomplish my goals.

"What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures." James 4:1-3

The chapter goes on to talk about how friendship with the world is hatred towards God, and that we need to submit ourselves to God. Come near to him, and he will come near to us. Wash, purify, grieve, mourn, humble ourselves, and he will life us up. The whole chapter seems to be addressing this idea that we are prideful. We envy and want, but we refuse to ask God. Why? Because we either don't think we need him or we're so wrapped up in ourselves that we don't think to ask. We think we have it all together. It talks about how we boast about what we're going to do and this and that...and then it points out that our lives are a today then gone tomorrow. I feel like we (and I'm including myself in all of this) have the assumption that our life is ours...and that we have all the time and control in the world to do with it what we want.

It is God who orders our footsteps and who made us. He won't control us. He won't force himself on us. But what he's saying is how much better our lives would be if we let him take the wheel. If we looked to him every once in awhile for our needs and wants. If we looked to him for direction. We're so damn prideful and are reaching for all these heights, without realizing that to get to the higher point in our lives we need to have humility and let him lift us. The ironic thing is, is that that way is, in the end, the "easier" way...because he does the work.

So, Tiffany, submit yourself to God. Instead of trying to plan your life and make it work, while looking around at everyone else wondering why you don't have what they have, why don't you let God show you what he's planned for you. Which, is honestly way better than the plans you have anyway. Probably has more than you imagined even. Psh. Just saying. :)

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