Saturday, January 16, 2010

support :)

I'm realizing every day that talking with others about my weight loss goals is SO beneficial. There are so many people out there who have tried many things, and it's smart to listen to people who have "been there, done that." Like yesterday I talked with Bob, and was saying how I weigh myself everyday and then am discouraged. And he was like "It's sometimes good to weigh yourself every day (in the mornings) because then if you don't like the number you can either not eat the crappy stuff you ate the day before, or you can decide to work out more..." Basically knowledge is power and instead of being discouraged, I should take it as a challenge.

And then I talked to my wonderful mom today about the same thing, and she was like "well, you know, in my experience, I don't loose a lot of weight in the beginning. My body is muscular, so what happens is that my muscles start reacting and building up, and nothing shows on the scale. BUT I can feel my clothes getting looser. After a couple of weeks, then you notice a change in weight." And it was good because Bridgett told me (when I was talking to her) that I have a more muscular body which is why I don't look as big as I weigh. She told me her weight (which is the weight I now want to get to) and I was happy because she looks great. She's curvy, beautiful, and healthy. So, I guess I'm saying that I'm learning a lot about my body type, especially from my mom, and it's nice to know what to expect and look for. And to hear encouraging words and advice from other people :D

Life is good, God is good. Ok, time to DDR it up!

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