Friday, February 12, 2010

I love to eat!

Today the book asks the questions do we love the "flavor and aroma OR sensations of eating more than the food itself?" Is it truly the texture and taste or is it because we read our favorite book while eating, are with family and friends, or filling other emotional needs? I know I'm not a big food connoisseur. But the foods that I LOVE are foods that I grew up eating, like cucumber salad, ribs, corned beef and cabbage (my mom's fake kind), her brownies, etc. I find with those foods, I can and will eat tons of them. And I think it's because it reminds me of family, grilling out, and fun times. In fact, most of the times that I eat ribs and cucumber salad is with my family and friends when we go to my parents house. It's like an event :)

However, I need to remember that it's not about the great emotions and feelings that I get when around these foods. It truly should be about appreciating the flavors then stopping when I'm full. The book also mentions if you "love eating" around certain times a day, etc. it might be because you're filling an emotional need so watch out. Now that I think about it, I think I like the "full" feeling. I don't know just makes me feel better sometimes. That's probably something to think about...

"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody." 1 Thess 4:11-12

Theres a verse in this chapter about controlling our bodies and staying away from sexual immorality. Sigh. I wish that was something that I'm ready to tackle right now and say that I'm strong in, however it's not. The temptation is strong and there are days when I just want to call certain people up and have a tryst. I know it's not good for me, and I know it'll probably just make me bitter, but for some reason I still want to do it. I'm staying strong, but it's a day to day struggle. Seriously.

Anyway, I liked this verse. I just liked how it called these people to a simple life. Nothing glamorous or out of the if that's the kind of life they should want to live. And to be honest, that's the kind of life I want to live. I don't want drama and craziness, I want a quiet life. I don't want to be worried about the Joneses and be up in everyone else's business...I want to mind my own business and for people to do the same. I wouldn't mind being with someone who worked with their hands...I think that's sexy. I know "working with your hands" can mean so many different things, but what I think of is manual labor so I'm just gonna say that "working with my hands" means working with kids haha. I like the idea of not being indebted to other people, and mostly in the way of money. I don't want to have to "owe" anyone anything. Anyway, good verse.

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