Today the book expounded on the whole eating pause and how it can frustrate you because you want to finish the food on your plate. You think that you can't be full, when in reality you are. I tried the eating pause thing yesterday--we went out to mongolian grill and I set my fork down, and I recognized it, but then I took about 7 more bites. I've learned, that for myself, once I've done the whole pause thing, I need to get the food AWAY from me. Especially if it's delicious because I'll just want to finish the whole damn thing. In my mind, especially now that I'm eating healthier, I think "well, it's healthy so it's ok if I eat more." And that's a terrible way to think. I mean, yes, eat until you're satisfied, but don't figure because it's only 200 calories total that you can binge eat it haha.
It's funny recognizing my own habits and weaknesses. I like that in this chapter she says that you body might not be consistent. That on some days you'll want more than others. And that you might be hungry again after 2 hours. It's about listening to your body and it's needs. I like how it also says that one day we'll "misjudge" our signal and overeat but that it's ok. Practice makes better. And I will figure out what my body needs.
One method that she talked about for the whole eating pause is eating slowly. I am a super fast eater. I will sit down, gobble it all down, and then on to the next task. "When you eat too quickly, you can slip right past the eating pause and become too full before you realize it." Which, I feel like is very true in my case. Ok wow just took about a 30 minute break. I think I'm done for today :)
Oh glory! 1 Thess 3 is a short chapter :)
"May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you." 1 Thess 3:12
This whole book is brimming with this love and concern that Paul has for these people. It's as if he's more concerned for their well-being than he is for his own, and hearing that they're doing well energizes and uplifts his spirits. I would love for someday not to be so selfish at times, and to have a habit of putting others needs in front of mine. I do it occasionally...not very often. But it's something that I would like to see more of in my life. And I would love to have my love for others increase and overflow as well. It's kinda a beautiful visual for me. :)
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