Tuesday, March 30, 2010

You gotta want to...

Today the book talked about saying "Of course I want to" vs. "I can't." It explains that most of the time the reason isn't "I can't" it's "I don't want.." So, not "I can't lose weight" but "I don't want to miss out on all the fun" or "I don't want to stop overeating at BBQs." The books says to make tiny goals and try to stick with them.

I think one for me was "I can't work out before 7am." But in reality, it was "I don't want to go to bed early enough so I have to wake up at that time." And then it was "I don't want to get out of bed!!!" That one is very popular early in the morning. I've realized that I have to want this. I have to be serious about it because if I'm not it's not going to happen. The weight didn't magically melt off before, and it's not going to now. I have to work at it, and I have to want it.

I'm very excited because my apartment is super clean and looks great. I took a nap yesterday afternoon and then got up off my ass around 10 or 11pm and just started cleaning. I was so tired of saying it should get done and I just decided to do it. And it was less work than I thought it was going to be...it was just a matter of doing it. That small amount of time I took has made me happy and I feel more peaceful and satisfied with my home. I love my apartment and I love having it to myself :)

I didn't work out yesterday (I lazily perused the internet ate, and took a nap...old habits!!). But I did resolve to wake up early and do Jillian this morning. And I did! I'm very proud of myself. And I didn't feel as dead and exhausted as I usually do. I actually got up and did the after stretches instead of laying on the floor gasping for breath haha. This evening I'm going to do my DDR, and then I'm going to wash my hair and straighten it. Perhaps lounge with a book in the tub beforehand? I need to find another book to read :D

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