Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Crazy dream!

Ok, I was forced awake at 6am by a terrible dream! The beginning wasn't so bad, but in the end, I was in an elevator with several teens, and right when it started, the elevator made and noise and went all wonky. Then, it started to drop, the numbers started to flash, and it was dropping fast and steady towards an unknown fate. Then, it would slow, and we would sigh in relief, and then we'd start dropping again! Finally after a couple of times I was like "push the emergency button, pull the handle!" but all of these things only stopped the car temporarily, it would start again and stop after we pushed the button. Finally, somehow the boys got the doors open, and were running out (not sure how they ran UP the elevator shaft but whatever) and I screamed up to them "What if another one comes down?!?!" And then I was wrenched out of my dream, awake, and saying w.t.f. What a crazy dream. Not sure if it actually means anything, but as of now I'm staying away from elevators.

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