Wednesday, June 30, 2010

No Cheating Allowed

Day three of my new start. Besides the scary dream, I'm feeling really good. Life is good, and now that I'm taking control of my life and trying to live it to it's fullest, it seems as if fullness is coming to it even more :) New friends, old friend, new goals, old goals, new life! It's good.

Today the book talked about the phrase "I cheated on my diet today." It said don't use the phrase, because it indicates that you are not in charge, but the food is. "The truth is, you can't cheat with food! It's impossible. The word cheat refers to something illegal or immoral, and food is neither of these. You do not have some kind of moral or character defect just because you ate a cookie." pg.150. I couldn't have said it better myself :) It's funny because they say to use the words that we tell the kids everyday--choice/choose. "I chose to eat that cookie." "I made some lousy choices today." It doesn't mean that you don't regret it, but it just reminds you that you have the power, and that you can chose to do different. We make choices every day, sometimes with limited options, but that's life, and we have to make do with the options we have, and own up to the choices we make. I like that idea. I have the power, food does not. I make the choice, the food does not choose me. I am in control, not the Oreos or Chips :)  Good read today.

"What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord...Only let us live up to what we have already attained..."Phil 3:8a,16

I did a real hatchet job on these verses/chapter but whatev. As I grow older, I realize more and more how good God is and how he has given me all the amazing things in my life. He has guided me on the path that I'm on now, and even when I don't acknowledge him, he's still good to me.  I've been far from him. I'm compartmentalized my life and only let him have parts of me. I've been hot then cold, faithful, then wandering. But he has always been faithful, always been good. He's like the anchor to my restless soul. And I love him. Everything compared to him is nothing, and I really hope that I really, really, really get that as I get older.

I really like the second up to what we've already attained. We already have his favor. We have salvation, and the wonderful promise of him by our side and life to the let's live it. That's kinda along the same lines as what I've been saying to myself the past couple of days. I need to live it. I need to open myself up and breathe it and accept the life (the goodness of it all) that he has given. It's so good if I'll just...start living. God, is good :)

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! Yes, God is faithful.

    And yes, about the choices--I chose to exercise today, but other days I don't. Gotta start making the choices that help me make progress.
