I had an interesting start to my day as I didn't go to bed on time last night...in fact, I went to bed at 2am! At midnight I was exhausted then got pulled in to a tv show. Can I just say that I am SO GLAD I canceled my cable? Best decision of my life! Anyway, then I slept off and on until about 9. I made some not so good food choices this morning...mostly in the quantity (had a big bowl of fruit loops--damn that sugary cereal I love it so much!, a salad--weird I know, a small amount of leftover calamari--stranger and stranger, and some toast with blackberry jam and a bit o butter). Yea, could have done without the fruit loops and calamari, but I should have just stopped with the first part. I made the choice, and am now choosing to get over it and continue with my plans for the day. Which include going to the track with my mother dearest so I can do my next day of 5k training, and then giving myself a pedicure, going for a massage, and maybe shopping. Ok, definitely taking a stop at Ross :) Oh yea, I'm on vacation starting last night!
Today the book talked about dieting/changing your lifestyle being hard. That whole "I'm starting today!" then being derailed by one thing or another, and then getting frustrated because it's so damn hard. And you know what? The book said...yep...it is. It's hard to change your life. It's hard to rearrange you day, take hold of your psychological issues with food as well as your appetites. It's hard to commit to exercising everyday and training for a 5k. Hell yea it's hard. But we've all had to face hard challenges in our lives...and we've gotten through them. "So instead of caving in on your diet because it feels too hard, buck up and tell yourself: 'Of course it's hard. But I've done a lot of difficult things in my life, and this isn't any different. I know that I can do hard things!'" pg 157 I think sometimes when we've been in this weight loss thing, especially when we're reading and watching what other people are doing, we forget that it is hard. We see people shedding pounds, and think "oh it seems easy for them, it should be easy for me." But everyone has their struggles. Everyone has something about weight loss and getting healthy that is hard for them. We just have to remember when it gets hard, to use each other as a support system instead of a a comparison system :)
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