Sunday, July 18, 2010

Live as a "healthy" person

Today the book talked about being tired of eating another piece of grilled chicken, or another salad, and how sometimes we might think that we want to eat like a "normal" person. It cautions against using words like that because a lot of "normal" people eat crappy food. I mean, Americans are famous for eating krispie kreme burgers and fat fried in fat :) Is that what we want? Do we want to be "normal?" The book goes on to say that instead of thinking in terms of "thin or skinny" we should think in terms of "healthy." Many thin people are not necessarily healthy. "Instead of aiming to be thin, consider using words such as healthy, fit, active, balanced, or strong." pg 172 It says to start thinking in terms of what healthy people might do. What does a healthy person eat? How active are they?

I think we've always heard this but I like hearing it even more as I'm training to run a 5k and trying to be stronger and healthier. When I lost the 10lbs when I was sick--I felt thin, but I felt sick. When I was healthy enough to get back to running, almost all that weight had come back on, but I felt strong, and healthy. Adam asked me (when I was still not eating very much) if I was doing it on purpose to keep the weight off, and I of course said no indignantly because I don't think I have the willpower not to eat :) But, I gotta say, I'd rather weigh more, and be strong, then be thin, and feel weak, tired, fatigued, and hungry all the time.

The book has activities that it suggest that you do, and usually I don't do them cause they're corny or I'm already kinda doing it, but I want to do this one. It wants you to make a stick person (in this case there will be no person but you get the picture) and label it "A Healthy ___
and then write how you can be healthy in areas of your life like family, eating, exercise, relationships, work, and fun.

A Healthy Tiffany
Family--Visiting and spending time with my parents at least once a month. Writing my brother in Korea. Keeping in contact with my extended family and trying to make it to events in their lives.

Relationships--Staying strong and not letting negative relationships into my life. Keeping a balance with friends I work with. Talking with and encouraging the friends in my life. Making regular contact with people so they know I care. Investing in new relationships, and cutting down gossip/drama within relationships. Making an effort to build and maintain current relationships despite the busyness of my life.

Work--Being a team player. Work with staff to have a diverse and fun program. Smile more :) Try to be more patient with the kiddos who try my patience every day. Have a checklist to make sure I get what I NEED to get done done. Prioritize more.

Fun--Continue with the new relationships that I've developed. Yay game nights and the new book club. Read more books :) Poker nights! Find hobbies outside of diet and exercise that I can stick with. Go canoeing more often! Find ways to travel more in and out of state. Keep in contact with friends and initiate fun stuff with friends. Continue with the things that are fun for me--especially shopping :) Diversify and try new things!

Eating--Keep buying and using groceries. Have loads of fruits and veggies on hand for snacks. Don't deprive, just be moderate. Take vitamins (argh!). Make sure I get the right amount of good proteins, fats, and carbs. Drink more water--kick diet soda out of my life completely again. Drink more Honey Vanilla Chamomile tea (mmmmmm). Track my calories (as much as possible). Say no to caffeine (I've found that I feel really weird on it...especially with coffee). Eat bacon (moderately)! Cook at home. Be proactive in having food prepped so I have no excuses. Eat breakfast more often.

Exercise--Run, run, run! I love running :) Figure out the balance between aerobic/strength training and how to best facilitate getting leaner and stronger. Keep running with my buddy! 5k,5k,5k in September! DDR. Swim more during the summer. Join a gym once my massage membership is complete (January 2011). Play gym games with kids whenever I get a chance. Make excuses to go up and down the stairs at work. Laugh. Alot.

So those are my goals. Those are the things that I feel make a healthy me, and will keep me on track. I'll probably think of more, and I want to do something visual in my apartment to see, but I'm liking where I'm going with this!

Can't forget faith--reacquaint myself with people who share the same beliefs I do. Be apart of a meaningful community. Keep myself connected to the Bible...not in a legalistic way, but in a open, learning way.

The last chapter in Ephesians talks about putting on the full armor of God. I feel that these goals, and expressions of who I want to be is apart of the armor. It's a part of the full life that I have been called to have, and it works in partnership with my faith and everything that I believe. God has been faithful to me all my life, and I really want to make sure I make him central, first, before all other things...because without him...I'm just not a good. And by "good" I mean...on point, happy, fulfilled. Without his peace and contact, I always begin to feel...discouraged and desperate. I find that the times in which I focus on my relationship with him and making time for him, my mindset changes. I dunno, but God is good whether or not I am...and I'm going to stick with him :)

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