Monday, July 19, 2010

week 3 day 1 down!

I completed week 3 day 1--and I did more than I was supposed to exciting! I was going to go by time, but I think distance is better for me because I can run 400 yards faster than 3 minutes. I decided that I wasn't going to go by the music, instead I was just going to try to run as much as possible--so I ran once around the track, walked a little more than halfway around, ran again around the track, walked, and then ran off and on around the track for 2 more laps, and then all the way back to the club. I was hoping that 400 yards would be 1 loop around the track and lo and behold it is! So, I've realized 2 valuable things--I can run faster than I thought, and I can do this--I'm doing it! So excited. I love this brave new me :)

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