Monday, July 12, 2010

weigh in

I'm sad to say that this weigh in is not reflective of a REAL weight loss. I've been sick this whole week with diarrhea and I did throw up once...but mostly diarrhea. Anyway, at one point during my period, when I weighed myself in the afternoon, I was at 227 and I almost shit my pants. But that went down pretty quickly. My new weight, after loss of many fluids and no eating is....212.4. That's right. In less than a week I've lost 9.2 lbs. It's pretty wrong, pretty insane and I'm sad to say my weight will probably go back up next week :/ But, it gives me something to strive for. I can't remember the last time I was under, it gives me something to aspire to :)  Anyway, I'm going to take some pepto bismal today to try to harden up the stools and start with some fruits and veggies for food today...see what happens :) On the bright side, this probably has completely cleaned out my system--like a cleansing diet! So I can start fresh haha.

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