Friday, February 5, 2010

Hunger Scale

So I haven't tracked all week! I have the weekend to get back on track and make note of stuff, but I feel disappointed in myself. I feel like since I haven't been tracking I've allowed myself to snack more often instead of being aware of what I'm putting in my body. Which. Is not good. I'm going to be good today and track everything I eat. I may have thwarted my own goals for a 2 lb weight loss this week by dicking around. That's so frustrating to me. Sigh. I have 3 more days to get back on track. We'll see what happens. I'm still showing a loss on the scale, but it wasn't as much as I was showing Tuesday and Wednesday.

Today the book talked about your hunger scale. Basically it talks about how a lot of people eat and graze all day and in the process stop being able to recognize their hunger signals. It said to not wait until you were starving, but at the first hunger pang to make a note that you should eat within the next 30 minutes or so. This is something that is important to me--listening to my body and being aware of it's needs. Since I've started this, I've been able to tell when my body is sluggish, when it's bloated, when it's hungry, when something is not right, etc. I've been much more aware of my body and how it reacts to things. So my next goal is trying to be aware of how it reacts to hunger. I'm very guilty of waiting until the starving stage.

"Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 4:8-11

So in every book that I've read so far, the whole "love each other" above all things has been present. I'm pretty positive of this fact. It's very interesting that it's such a core message, but so many of us miss it...and even do the opposite. I like this verse because he gives us examples of practical ways of loving, and how it says that God's grace comes in many forms. It's not the cookie cutter, step by step instruction kind of thing. It's a "what are the gifts and talents that God has given you to allow you to love and be full of grace?" That, is awesome to me. The whole focus on God being praised is becoming more evident and real to me as I get older. It's so much easier for me to realize that the accomplishments and the many things that I have are not a result of me being awesome, it's a result of God being incredibly good, amazing, and full of grace.

another poo post

I've noticed that my poops and farts don't smell bad as much. Well except when I have red peppers then they smell almost like burnt rubber. It's weird. But I've been farting all night, and I ate brussels sprouts yesterday, and no stench. It's weird. Then I pooped and no stench. I did lose about 2 lbs after I pooped which was a relief cause I thought I was gaining ack! But I'm still losing so far. Thanks poops :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

and another thing

Yesterday I wore a black jumper that I had put on earlier in the month and had not fit into. My sides were lumping out and I looked like a stuffed sausage. Yesterday, I looked banging. I am so proud of myself! Those are the things that keep me going on this journey. I can't believe I've almost lost 15 lbs on purpose! I'm more than halfway to 10% of my weight and will probably get there at the end of this month. 25 lbs. Wow, it's just awesome to me.

Postpone Eating

Ok, so I have to admit a couple of things. One, I did terribly yesterday with the "eating because it's there thing." I stupidly fed the K-1st graders candy (sigh, that won't ever happen again) and then the smell of it was just so enticing that I went back twice and had some. Now, I did look at the serving sizes and things like that, but I thought I was over my "mmmmmm candy phase." Not so. I'm over my "must eat candy all the time phase" but I still need to be vigilant about taking a serving, if I decide I really really want it, then putting it away. And in reality, I don't really need it so I just need to make sure it's not all sitting out in my office.

Also, I haven't been eating regularly..I've definitely been skipping meals. This new job gives me no time to track...and I should do it at the end of the the day but now that I have 3 days to catch up on it, I'm like "meh." I'm still tracking...a my head, but I need to get back on track with doing it on the computer. I also need to eat like I'm supposed to. I don't want my body to get used to "starving" and then hold onto the weight instead of letting it go. No thank you!

So those are things that I've been noticing--as well as the slacking at getting proper water intake. So now that I've noticed, I'm going to veer back into my lane :)

"Once you start eating snack foods, it can be really hard to stop." This is very true. When I had game night and was just starting out on this journey, everyone brought snacks and I ended up snacking on tons of food instead of eating dinner...and the calories racked up. Thankfully, the only other consistent meeting that I have where snacks are available is small group. I serve fruits and veggies, Martha & Steve have served fruits (yummy!) and Angela served very delicious chocolate chip bars (but I was able to eat just one and be happy). So, that's made it easier for me to not snack. I've also been diligent in bringing my own snacks and having them out at work (when I FIND time to snack geez).

Anyway, the book says instead of jumping into the snacks at that moment, to instead postpone eating until the last minute. Like, right before the party, or dinner ends or whatever. That way, you will have about 5 minutes to eat the snack and not be tempted to eat more instead of the whole party or dinner. Oh, and they said the snacks are generally engineered to have great flavor and texture so it causes you to want more. So you have your own willpower to contend with plus those tricky food engineers who are trying to make you fat! haha. So yea, that's reason for waiting. I've found that I have a pretty strong willpower (most of the time) and if I keep up with the habits taught me, I don't tend to fall off the wagon. It's only when I'm not feeding myself regularly and keep tempting foods like candy lying around in sight that I tend to...slip a bit :D Anyway, I like this because it doesn't say you can't have snacky foods, but instead of eating that chips and salsa that comes out before you meal, to instead wait for your meal, take a couple of chips and some salsa, and eat it then. Good advice.

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4

Meghan said to me "you shouldn't be all dressed up, you should be wearing Club shirts" and it got me really sad because I like looking nice at work. I like that people notice me because I'm stylish, and because I always have cute accessories. I like the attention that I get for those things and when people acknowledge that I look good. I like that. I think most people do. I also am able to work well in what I wear. I don't wear ridiculous heels to work or anything like that. I can work with kids in the clothes that I wear without anything holding me back.

I was thinking as I was walking to small group that that's a trademark of mine. That that's apart of what makes me me is my stylish, However, I don't want to rest all of my laurels on that. I don't want to be remembered for just that. In fact, I want that to be an afterthought in people's minds. What I want them to remember or think about with me is the fact that I love people unfailingly, that I'm full of grace and mercy, that I'm fair, that I love to laugh and have fun, that I love the kids and my job, that I'm kind and compassionate...etc. I don't want a man to only recognize me and appreciate me for my looks or my body because that is not what is going to last and stay the same and "get even better" as I get older. No sir, my body will slowly get wrinkly and saggy and all sorts of things. I want a man to appreciate me for my character and who I am inside.

This verse puts exactly what I desire into words. I like when people compliment me on my clothes, and my hair and my accessories, I love it even more when they speak to the faithfulness and goodness of my character. It reinforces that God is good and that he is doing good works in me and is changing who I am slowly but surely. He has shaped it and molded it and is going to do (hopefully if I let him) wonderful things with it. I'm excited :)

"'Do mot fear what they fear, do not be frightened.' But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ my be ashamed of their slander." vs. 14-16

Of course I love the first part of this verse. I always had issues with the second part...because it involved memorizing verses and "the abcs of christianity" and all these formulas and stuff. When, in reality, I have needed none of those things when giving an answer for the hope that I have. It's been for me, just saying who I believe Jesus is and why he came here. What I believe he taught and how it's completely other than what many people say he's about. It's mainly just been about living out my life, and when people find out I'm a Christian or have questions, to answer honestly, humbly, and lovingly. There is not formula or abcs. It's just me being me and talking about who Christ is to me. God is good. It's not hard for me to brag about his goodness to others ;)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Handheld foods

Before I start, I just want to emphasize that my massage therapist did indeed kick my ass and inflict pain on my body. Which, ultimately is a good thing, but man oh man am I sore today! I never realized how tense my body is. I can't wait until I can get past that and get on to relaxing massage. I think I'm going to do a two hour one next time.

Anyway, so we talked about the danger of handheld foods and how we tend to take a handful, eat it, and take another handful, and so on. "Snacks aren't really bad food. They just have a sneaky ability to hook you into overeating without realizing it." So you have to figure out ways of avoiding this. The book suggested putting things on plates/bowls and eating the snacks with forks and spoons. Which, I can understand the plates and bowls thing, but how fricken retarded are you gonna look if you eat m&ms with a fork? Seriously. Not gonna happen. Next thing you know I'll be slicing it in fourths and taking a small bite to savor it :) Anyway, I think the separating out a portion for yourself is a good way to do it. That way, if you really really want the snack, you can taken some, know how much you have, and not indulge mindlessly.

"Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the King." 1 Peter 2:16-17

I feel like there's so much here, and I don't have the brain to suggest it. I liked, was confused, and had questions about this verse. Hm. I don't even know. Something to mull on.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

and another thing (about pooping)

I know I'm not the only girl who compulsively weighs herself. I didn't do it so much when I wasn't trying to lose weight--no need to be unnecessarily depressed during a normal day right? But now that I'm losing weight, I weigh myself everyday. And not just once I day. I do it in the morning and in the evening. When I'm home at lunch time, I do it then. When I'm home in the afternoons...I'll step on just to see. I've learned to acknowledge my weight fluctuations as normal.

However, nothing tickles me more than when I weigh myself after I pee or poop. Seriously. Whenever I have to go, I quickly weigh myself (as I usually wait till the last minute so I'm dancing and trying my hardest to stay still). I do it twice just to make sure, then I unleash my bodily fluids...and not so fluids. Haha. Afterwards, I don't even flush. I go directly to the scale and lo and behold, half a pound, 1 pound, one time after pooing for the first time in 3 days, I weighed 2 lbs less! Now I always think if I haven't pooped I should be 2 lbs less haha. Anyway, I wanted to post that on facebook but I thought it might be tmi. So I decided I would post it here.

Love it!

Eating because it's there

Snacks at work. Samples at safeway. Candy dishes. These are all things that cause us to eat excess calories. "In all of these situations, you probably weren't hungry. You also weren't having any big psychological needs. You simply ate because the food was there." The chapter today talked about resiting foods like that.

This is one that I've had to train myself with, especially when I was working behind the front desk. People bring food, you taste a bit of it. There's the kids try a sample. There's a board meeting...they leave the leftovers. In all these cases I would eat some (or a lot) of things that were brought because I didn't want to miss out on all the yummy things.

With my new plan, I've been resisting indulging in these things, combating them one, with my own snacks, and two, with just being plain busy! I'm proud that I don't ask the kids for a taste of the snacks they bring like a "tax" haha. Totally used to do that. Be like "ey! what's that?" haha. I'm glad I don't snack on pretzels and mamu anymore just b/c it's there. There have been cookies in the kitchen that I have resisted with a passion...after seeing their calorie count...shout out to Bec who had this same experience too...It's just cool to see the changes and CONSCIOUS choices that I'm making to be committed....not just interested :)

I have no idea why I got up at 6am today. Oh yea, I was dreaming about work and then had an IDEA for work that I didn't want to forget so I was consciously trying to remember and then decided to wake and dick around on the internet. So here I am almost finished with my morning reading before 7:30. Wtf? Ok, 1 Peter is the pick of the day.

"Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: 'Be holy, because I am holy.'" 1 Peter 1:13-15

So, this message was a bit convicting for me as my conversation with a certain friend last night about ahem...certain morning activities made my mind wander this morning. You know who you are! Sometimes it's so hard to say no to temptation and to holiness, especially when you've experienced things outside the bounds of holiness. But I like this reminder and call to action, self-control, and obedience. These are the times, when I really want to do other than what I'm supposed to, that it is most imperative to stay the course and be self controlled.

Because, in all honesty, I know that if I do it, I'll be like that verse in Romans that says something like "i do what I do not want to do, and do...blah blah." There's a lot of "do's" in that verse but it basically says you sin, even though you know not to sin, you can't help yourself almost because you've given yourself over to that nature. And that, is not where I want to a slave to sin. So. I will strive to be self controlled and "holy" because of the grace given to me and because I'm trying to model myself after the father. Lord, give me strength :D

Monday, February 1, 2010

Eat dessert when its special

Today the book talked about how tempting desserts can be for people. I'm one of those people who DEFINITELY have a sweet tooth. My favorites are my mom's brownies, the fluffy cheesecake my mom made for my bday, apple crisp with ice cream on top, and cheesecake factory strawberry cheesecake.

The book said that in order to get in control of your temptations, decide to eat desserts only on special occasions. And special occasions "include not just the food itself, but also the setting and the people you're with." So instead of eating apple crisp as a dessert when I go out for lunch with coworkers, or have a random dinner, I should eat it maybe when I'm on a date, or celebrating a birthday. And even then, half it :) My mom's brownies I can eat when she makes them...cause we'll those are special occasions ie she doesn't make them unless I ask :) Well, not true. Sometimes she makes them for parties. And cheesecake. I like only fluffy light kinds so that makes it a bit easier for me. If I go to the cheesecake factory for something super special, I will indulge. If it's for a plain dinner or cheesecake for me. Maybe a bite of someone else's :)

It says to make a list of events that are special enough, and my thing is that I can't really think of one, but I know that when it comes up, I'll know what it is. I'll weigh it, and decide whether dessert is worth it. Like last night the waiter brought us a dessert menu and one, the desserts were all frou frou, but two, I was happily content with my peach cider which was sweet and dessert like. Before, I wouldn't have thought of my drink as a dessert, but now, my mind is slowly shifting and I'm understanding and appreciating flavors, tastes, and other qualities of food and drink...and how to not overindulge :)

So I decided to bust out Romans 15 AND 16 that I could be finished with the book. Phew. It was a good book, and I learned and relearned a lot, but it can get dense and wordy sometimes :)

"Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God...May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:7,13

I liked the emphasis of loving, accepting, forgiving, etc. others just as Christ did for us. I think it plays on our idea of fairness. Because it was done for us, we should feel compelled to do it for others. The scale to which it was done for us is so large. I mean, forgiveness from Christ and his death, that's huge. How can we not try to accept and love others in smaller ways? I put the second verse because God has definitely filled me with joy and peace because I've been trusting him more. And this letter to the Romans has helped me trust and understand who he is more. I specifically remember times of joy, peace, and hope while reading. I'm so thankful that I can read this freely. God is good.

Weigh In

So, I've been feeling meh this morning and really did not want to weigh myself. I did, after all, eat fish and chips and although my nutrition tracker was telling me it was fine, I had a touchy feeling last night. My tummy has also been feeling bloated and weird too. Still on the period which is...lovely. :)

Anyway, all that I say that I jumped on the scale and....233.2. I lost 3 lbs! Yaaaaaay. I'm definitely happy, but for some reason I'm not jump up and down happy. I dunno, I guess I'm just relieved. So I started this adventure at 246.6. I'm now at 233.2. That's 13.4 lbs. I've almost lost 15 lbs! So awesome. I believe that that means I've lost 5.3% of my weight so I'm a little over halfway to losing 10% of my weight which is essentially 25 lbs.

I am so proud of myself. My feeling right now are..happiness, but also kind of mellowness because I know how far I have to go. It's not like I'm down, just...ready to keep going and lose more. I really wish that it would come off quicker, my muscles would develop, and I'd be lean with no saggy skin asap. But, I know that's not how it happens. I wanted to "cheat" and weigh in after my work out, but I wanted it to really count. I feel like if I cheat even a little, it's cheating me out of true victory. If I fudge it, it doesn't seem like a real win. So. 3 lbs. 3 lbs....good job Tiffany!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

And another thing

I ate fish and chips for dinner tonight! Probably the greasiest thing...besides pizza that I've eaten in awhile. It was good, but it wasn't that great. I didn't eat a lot of crap earlier today, so I'm still within all my limits as far as calories, carbs, and fat. I love how I can eat what I want and still lose weight. I love that my healthy lifestyle doesn't contradict my social lifestyle.

I'm going to work out now though :) I haven't done my work out for the day (although I did walk quite a bit). Speaking of walking, I walked up about 3 blocks of hills and downtown and wasn't winded! It was such a great feeling :) Anyway, I feel ready to go. Peace out!

Oh, and another thing. I went grocery shopping today, and the only "processed" food that I got was my mousse temptations. Everything else was meat, fruits, and veggies. Well and also milk and sour cream. Can you believe that? I can hardly believe it! It's awesome and I'm super stoked on how my habits are changing. Plus I've been thinking about cooking brussels sprouts--but have been too chicken to do so--but my bff told me she was branching out and doing them so I decided to do so as well. Annnnnnnd. I'm super excited to try them. There was a recipe I saw that had BACON in it. sigh. Sounds so bomb. God is good.


I had such a great time with small group tonight. It's definitely been an added bonus to my life. I'm so glad looking back that I made that goal, and am following through with it. The more we hang out, the more that I am sure that I like these people, and I think they like me as well. Conversation is easy and fun, and they seem to like a lot of the same things I do.

I like Lindsay because she is great at trying to generate conversation and learn more about people. And once she's comfortable, she doesn't mind saying how she feels. I like Angela because she's sweet and down to earth, and she is easy to talk to. I like Matt because he's quiet, but super funny. I like how he takes care of Lindsay and I like seeing his looser style and easy smile. I like Ben because he is silly, completely random at times and has a way of disarming people that's cool. I like Steve because of his dry and quick humor and ability to laugh at himself. I love Martha because she is thrifty and doesn't take any crap. She is comfortable in who she is and in her beliefs. I like Tos because I feel like he really feels people and really loves getting know people. He has a definite heart for people that relates to mine.

Every person in the group has qualities that make it fun to be around and make me feel comfortable. When we were together today, it was good. I'm excited for spending time and getting to know people more and more as the weeks and months go by.

When Food Disappoints You

Today the book talked about anticipating a certain food, eating it, and realizing it wasn't the taste, texture, flavor, etc. that you wanted it to be. But, you continue eating it to see if it maybe will change and become better. After the whole experience, you feel disappointed. They used chocolate cake as an example, and if I had eaten an entire piece of chocolate cake and was still disappointed, I would actually be bitter at the amount of calories I had invested in that damn thing as well.

The moral of the story is, if you don't like something, don't continue to eat it--and I think its referring especially to foods that your eating as a bonus or special foods. But I guess it could be talking about regular food too. Now that I think about it, I don't really eat foods that I don't enjoy. I don't force foods on myself that I know I don't like...oh except oatmeal haha. The thing is, a lot of the foods that I "don't like" or don't think I like actually become foods that I enjoy.

Like my wheat bread. Didn't really like it at first, now, I'm ok with it. I enjoy my sandwiches and don't miss the white bread too much.

I liked this quote: "Perhaps you think that wanting your favorite food seems 'bad,' so you force yourself to eat something you don't like."

I think a lot of people struggle with that. I know I've struggled with that in past diets. You think the very thing you want and the fact that you want it is bad so you end up eating plain asparagus or broccoli, or something that doesn't taste very good without any good flavors. Before I'd just assume I couldn't have a certain food, instead of looking up recipes, looking at calories and fat content, and seeing if I could still have it but in a different way or adjusted somehow. Wanting fatty food isn't bad. We all want food that's bad for us. We just need to have it in the right portions, and not all the time. And if you can find a lower calorie solution, even more perfect.

"Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn who does, for GOd has accepted him. Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand for the Lord is able to make him stand...If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died. Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men. Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and mutual edification." Romans 14:1-4, 15-19

It's hard for me, when I think of someone as "weak" (as described in the passage) to not see them as..."worse." That word "weak" holds negative implications in mind mind. I would never like to be considered that. However, I think that's exactly the type of mindset that Paul is trying to discourage. It's not an us vs. them thing. It's a we're all in this together thing. I try to think of it not as "weak" but as someone who's in a different part of their walk, and is trying to figure out the God stuff too. Who am I to "look down upon" someone who is following God and trying to look to him in his journey? God has different paths for all of us and speaks different passions into our hearts. It's not my place to look at someone with derision, but to look at them and appreciate where they are.

I like that it emphasizes that it's the responsibility of those stronger in faith to submit to the ideals of those weaker in faith. That that, is love. Not parading our freedoms in front of people who would be appalled by them. I am many times guilty of doing this to my more conservative counterparts...flaunting my freedom and knowing that they're probably gasping and all abuzz at my sinfulness. I think that at some points, you just need to be yourself. At most points, if it's going to cause someone to stumble. If it's going to cause them to doubt their faith and doubt God, then I need to cool it down. Causing someone to stumble in their faith is a high price to pay for me wanting to flaunt my freedoms. It's actually not worth it. I don't want to cause people pain, and I don't want them to doubt what God has done and spoken to them because of my insensitivity. We have a responsibility to each other. And that means to act in love...even if it means I have to say no to some of the things I might do otherwise...mmmm good word.